The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 30 days, 11 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Gerald E Greene

Updated: Sun, 27 Jun 2021 02:42 pm


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As a Neo-Formalist Poet, he writes daily and enjoys interaction with other poets. Author of "Kaleidoscope" poetry collection Published by CreateSpace, 2017 and "Turning Losing Forex Trades Into Winners" Published by John Wiley & Sons, 2008. His blog is "Short Stories Rated G" on Facebook and he is active on His short stories or poems have been published in Guide Magazine, Insight Magazine, Compass Magazine, The Flash Fiction Press, Deronda Review, A Story in 100 Words, Tiny Seed Literary Journal, Glide, Not Far From Me and Jordan Journal Collective.


Forsyth Park I face the challenge everywhere I go, regarding what my forefathers believed, regardless, if they owned a slave or not, their culpability and stain remains. In Georgia's cities and Savannah's park, the work of slaves invites me still today. "Sit down," it says, "and stay awhile. Relax, unwind and think of new and better things." And so I do, in Forsyth Park, where men once gathered for the war of Independence, willing, sacrificing all they had, for freedom's joy and liberty's reward. But close, nearby, the slave exchange cries out, where new arrivals stood from Africa. Some were leaders, some were royalty, entrapped and chained in ships of cruelty. Upon a freshly painted bench I sit, while slowly sorting through conflicting thoughts, of how to lead a normal life, without dishonoring the sweat and blood beneath. Should Forsyth's name remain in prominence, or be replaced to honor those he owned? Or should I even have a say about, such matters in Savannah's city park? New sensitivities refuse to let me overlook the past, and this has changed, forever changed the way I view the world, and so I write, explaining how I feel. Play Audio -

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

Audio entries by Gerald E Greene

Poetry Contest (30/06/2021)

Poetry Contest (29/06/2021)

Fasteners of Life (28/06/2021)

Be A Mentor (27/06/2021)

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