The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Gordon Zola

Updated: Sun, 31 Jan 2016 03:22 pm

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On a day not unlike today, in a distant galaxy, a rocket ship blasted off from a doomed planet; hurtled through the Milky Way, past Mars and lots of other well-known chocolates, before crash landing on earth. Once in a lifetime someone destined to change the face of poetry comes along. Someone who could combine Oscar Wilde's wit and repartee with the story telling ability of Tolkien. Unfortunately he was on the rocket ship that crash-landed on earth - and didn't survive the I'll have to tell you about Gordon Zola instead. Battered, bruised but not broken, Gordon emerged from the wreckage of a life that had run aground on the rocks of love's clichés, to begin a meteoric rise from oblivion to obscurity as a performance poet. Armed with only a smile, good cheese guide and an unlimited supply of puns, he took the poetry world by storm, well a slight shower- and went on to inflict his debut cd 'No Strings', a beguiling mix of, poetry, music and humour, on the long suffering British public. A track off the cd, 'Sweet Rapper', was played on Key 103 radio. Despite many requests, local, (as in anaesthetic), legend, Gordon continues to confuse audiences from Bordeaux to Bristol, and lots of other places beginning with 'B' with his rye (as in bread) sense of humour. A past winner of many a slam and host of X-Pression, a monthly slam, held at the prestigious Green Room, Gordon's been published in numerous magazines. He's currently struggling to play the keyboard, is in the process of recording his second cd, and is at home performing, hosting, and entertaining at venues all over England, lesser-known parts of Uzbekistan, and Stockport, and has hosted Cuckoo Calling for the last 2 years. Any gig considered. Contact on above email or mob: 07805979958


Power to the People (Pensioners' Rap) We're gunna Get down with the home boys, not the home help or care. Throw away our crutches, do wheelies in our chair. Then dance the night away, like Fred Astaire. Coz we don't play bridge. We bridge the age gap. We're bringing power to the people with the pensioners' rap. We're not gaga, stirring soup on the agar. We're partying till dawn on Viagra and lager, Checking out Ibiza clubs on holidays with Saga. Coz we're not sat at home, stroking the cat. We're bringing power to the people with the pensioners' rap. Get down, get down those stairs on a Stannah lift. Spend the kid's inheritance, forget about thrift. We'll drop some acid and smoke some grass. I'll test my hip op - you can shake your new ass. Then we'll cruise the city streets on my free bus pass. Coz we're not to old to cut through the crap. We're bringing power to the people with the pensioner' rap. We don't worry about our bowels, our water retention. they're not worth a mention. We just go with the flow, we know, we can get pissed as a fart on our pension. Coz we're releasing the rats from the rat trap, bringing power to the people with the pensioner's rap. We'll groove to shaggy and Eartha kit. Strut out stuff on the dance floor - we don't give a shit. We've still got our marbles and our sanity. It's our pills, not our politics that are anti-inflammatory. Yeah, we could get dementia, arthritis or a stroke. But take a tip from me and Nigella Lawson meals on wheels definitely go better with coke. Coz we're never going to fall into the age gap . We're bringing power to the people with the pensioners' rap. Power to the people with the pensioners' rap. Check out website: for audio and visual performances. Jan 2016. The Name Game Is life a battle, if you come from Hastings? If you come from Chorley, is it a piece of cake? Do you have to be a tart to live in Bakewell? And if your name's sleep, are you ever awake? Do you deserve applause if you come from Clapham? Do you never shower if you come from Bath? Are you more than a ham if you come from sandwich? And if your name's giggles are you game for a laugh? Do Smiths forge for a living? Are Meeks humble and giving? Are dances having a ball? And If your names Foot, are you twelve inches tall? If you come from Avon, are you always calling? If you're an angel, are you always falling? Are Wrights ever wrong? If your name's Singh Do you know the song? If you come from Leeds do you never follow? If your name's Joy Have you known no sorrow? If it's Cain, are you never Able? Or, are we much more than a label? Do we have to keep playing the name game? Repeating the same again and again. Playing out life's dramas, with all its panoramas. Hopping on and off the carousel. Trying to salvage heaven, From someone else's hell. Coz when that last penny and breath are spent, and its time to take that final curtain call. What we're called, or where we come from, Will mean.. FUCK ALL. Gordon Zola (June 2002)

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

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Fri 10th May 2013 12:40

Salutations from a space invader )

<Deleted User> (9423)

Wed 29th Jun 2011 20:24

Hi Alan - have you worked out who i am yet and who my boyfriend is that you know? xxx

<Deleted User> (9423)

Sun 5th Jun 2011 16:42

hi alan i've just signed up on recommendation of a very good friend of yours - guess who - profile up soonxxxx

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jean lucy thompson

Mon 23rd Aug 2010 21:49

Just read The Name Game Hard act to follow Might as well just give up hahah

<Deleted User> (7129)

Mon 26th Jul 2010 21:50

hello Allan ~ are you ready for this? ~ I am officially your number 1 fan xxx

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John Coopey

Sun 6th Dec 2009 23:19

Hello Allan
I really enjoyed your spot at the Trafford Arts Centre, Sale, the other week. Sorry I had to dash off part-way through - I was frightened to death of getting fenced in the car park which shut at !0.00!
I thought your poem "That's
Me" was really good - all the better for the performance although I'm sure it stands up in writing.

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Fri 19th Jun 2009 16:51

Bit of a pik-me-up this one Gordon! Funny and feelgood!

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Katie Haigh

Tue 6th May 2008 17:18

As always your poetry is very entertaining

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ian leslie

Mon 24th Mar 2008 15:26

Hi pal, seen you a couple of times and really enjoyed your performances. Finally plucked up the courage to submit. Hope all is good, Ian.

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Belinda Johnston

Tue 1st Jan 2008 14:39

Hi Allan,

I do remember you from the Greenroom at the freed up night. Thankyou for your kind words regarding my performance. I would like to gain more experience by attending more poetry events and to meet other writers.

I have been away travelling in Japan but I'm back now. I also enjoyed your performance at the Greenroom.

Best wishes for 2008


darren thomas

Fri 14th Sep 2007 11:45

Ditto Gordon! Your recent performance at Wigan that included the line, "prescribed a course of monologues instead..." absolutely brilliant.
Power to the pimple!

<Deleted User>

Sat 28th Jul 2007 21:08

Hi Gordon,
Just wanted to say you are a pleasure to watch, your rich, witty and humorous poems are filled with depth.

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