The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 48 days, 5 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Katie Sheila Haigh

Updated: Thu, 12 Jan 2023 08:43 pm



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I first started scribbling down my thoughts at the age of 12. I found myself fascinated by Wilfred Owens War Poetry, partically "Dulce Et Decorum Est". But also I found writing an escape, an escape from dyslexia, an escape from my eating disorder, an escape from the normal teenage angst. My first publication came at the age of 16 in The International Library of Poetry Anthology, " The Star Laden Sky", I also got the Editors Choice Award for this. I have also been published in numerous Cartwherl Arts publications including "My Magic Pen", "Scribble" and "The Book Box". I have poems in "North West Focus", "The Co-op Diamonds Coffee Table book and I am regularly included in the Touchstones Creative Writing Group monthly anthology available on Amazon on Kindle only. Last year I had a book of my poetry published by Chipmunka publishing. My book Prejudice and Pride is about Disability and Mental Illness and is available from the Chipmunka website as well as Amazon in both hardback and kindle. I attend various local writing groups including Darnhill Scribblers, Langley Writers and Touchstones. I have performed at various open mics including the a Just Poets Another Folk and Poetry night at the Baum and the Ring O Bells open mic nights. I have also performed at festivals and events. Once with Rochdale youth orchestra as part of the a Frozen Music a Performance and once with a jazz band as part of the Maskew Evenf. I have performed a few showcases of my work and at Mill Pond Studio opening event. As a writer I am always trying to improve myself so I can connect better with my reader. I hope my words evoke emotion and empathy.


Turn me on Sometimes I find it hard To turn off The switch which controls my mind. When it is off, And refuses to turn on, Draining the energy of my brain. Thoughts become a sluggish sludge. Barely visible imagery, Clearly blurred. Yet when the switch is on, My mind will Tick, tick, tick, With thoughts And talk in a thousand words. Things to do. Remember Lists and bills. Children to entertain, Feed, wash and bathe. Then I hit the wall. Time to press the button. My brain is stuck on, Not listening to tired reason. Wanting to recharge, Replenish and refresh. Yet overloaded with order. Tasks outstretched. When will my switches Be manual to my touch. To turn on and off Would be divine. The time has come To flick the switches off. Take control. Rewire my brain. Or maybe just take a pill. Illuminate the cause. Fade into darkness And start again. A Day on the Street of a Mobility Scooter It was supposed to make life easier Give me more freedom Less pain. When it apprived I had such hope Knowing I would no longer feel trapped. The day had started quite imply Reversing out of the garage But reaching the road My heart dropped. The crossing further up wasn’t lowered. So I had to cross at a dangerous point Timing it with fast moving traffic. When I finally crossed My bubble soon burst When I reached the Morrison’s crossing. Getting to the middle was easy But the curb on the last bit wasn’t low. So I had to travel up the road Fearing my Scooter and traffic would collide Once on the path My relief was short lived Heading towards me were a couple and child Hand in hand taking up every inch of path. I tried with frustration to pass them I was greeted with irritated scowls. They wanted me to fly over Now that’s impossible to do. Finally I reached the revolving doors Waited until my path was clear Yet as I set off A lady jumped in my path And someone with a trolley behind. Now manoeuvring in such a small space Isn’t easy to do. I ended up bashing her heels I hadn’t meant to. Yet annoyance niggled If only they’d left my path clear. Inside the supermarket You’d expect it be easy The problems weren’t over yet. First there was dodging disgruntled shoppers Trolleys overflowing from their shop. Second the bakery counter so high I had to shout what I wanted Catch my bag of pies and sausage rolls. Thirdly the little tots Whom I tried not to bash as they ran. They toddled unsupervised While parents chat oblivious. The aisles are actually wide enough Until baskets brimming with merchandise are added. To make us want to buy, buy, buy But I couldn’t get past, past, past So I have to reverse Into angry mutterings People wishing I simply wasn’t there. Check out Was relatively easy With helpful staff serving my needs. But then it’s time for the journey home Either against traffic or the long way ‘round. Heading back down Bamford Road Crossing at the same risky point Parking up in the garage. Feeling frazzled, stressed out Not in the least pain free. It was supposed to make life easier It’s a shame the outside world disagrees.

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.


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Katie Haigh

Sun 9th Feb 2014 12:00

Thanks Chris, ill pass your details on to Norman Warrick

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Chris Co

Sun 9th Feb 2014 03:03

Hi Katie, sorry for the late reply, only just seen the message. Yes I read at the Ring O Bells the night Mothers and daughters did the guest spot. I read a poem called footprint. Hope you get the reply in time for whatever was needed.

My Best


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Katie Haigh

Wed 3rd Oct 2012 20:01

Thanks for the comments x

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Charlie Preston

Sun 26th Aug 2012 14:12

Loving the hard core mums! So true.

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Dave D Poet Rhumour

Mon 27th Feb 2012 14:29

Hi Katie, I can readily identify with your poem about mobility scooters - I use mine a lot in better weather, but few shops are really planned for access! We are fortunate with the dropped kerbs here though. Best wishes, Dave

Rachel Bond

Wed 25th Nov 2009 19:12

I really like the poem 'Man was here' arresting , thought provoking and you read it well at Middleton...i hope you write more with similar theme. thanksx

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Tommy Carroll

Tue 24th Nov 2009 17:29

Hi Katie, ty for the comments. I think you say it succinctly. : )

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Katie Haigh

Mon 23rd Nov 2009 16:15

Hi Chris the poems are on from last night, Man was here and Take.
Regards Katie

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Tomás Ó Cárthaigh

Thu 15th May 2008 15:59

It is true... war is no-ones friend bar big business.

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Daniel Hooks

Thu 1st May 2008 10:47

Great poems why though people haven't commented and said as much I will never know perhaps I will start a trend!

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