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Hazel Connelly

Updated: Sat, 19 Oct 2019 08:53 pm

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Started writing poems when I retired. Also, enjoy reading my poems anywhere, and to anyone who will listen really.Have a web site. I self-published my first book in March 2014, which contains 80 poems. It's called WORDS. I'm trying my hand at writing short stories and some flash fiction. I have had the pleasure of reading at O Bheal (The Long Valley) Cork on the 21st September 2015 where guest poet was Brendan Constantine from America. It was a great evening of poetry. I hope to go back there someday.. I also read at The Drunken Poet in Melbourne Australia early 2015 Have also read my poems in Manchester, Liverpool, Wigan and Cockermouth in Cumbria. Had a poem published in Live from Worktown in 2015 and another published in Live from Worktown in 2019 My poem "Sexy at Sixty" has been renamed for the next decade it's "Sexy at Seventy"


Humanities ego to resort to violence To settle conflicts makes no sense And yet we still have not learned The art of peace for which we yearned. To love our neighbour as our self And put our grievance on the shelf Could this be in our gracious hands? To bring compassion to troubled lands. With each hill we have to climb Life is lived one day at a time Let the tears of yesterdays storm Bring a smile to a new day born. For everything to be humane We need to be compassionate and sane The worlds compassion still prevails But weighs too lightly on lifes scales © Hazel The Walk We walked through the blue haze of the heather-covered hillside Down to the green valley below past the brown weather washed cabin standing on the grey winding path, Cherries falling at our feet bright red like your lips. Amidst the vibrant gold of the sunlight and the smell of green and lilac herbs on the breeze, I stood brush poised in hand wanting to capture the pink blush of your face, the copper of your hair glistening in the sun. It would have been the ultimate canvas Then darkness descended Thunder rumbled and we were awash with crystal drops of rain. ©Hazel

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.


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Don Matthews

Fri 25th Oct 2019 00:13

Thanks for your comment on my profile re my comment on your 'Love Me'. I'm always looking for a chance to bring humour out (Thalia and I have bonded quite nicely - my Muse of Mirth). You need to get to know me though to know how to take me. Thalia wrings her hair out at times......


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kJ Walker

Mon 6th Mar 2017 20:25

Hi hazel, sorry to hear about your daughter. your poem makes even more sense now that I know what it is about.

regarding reading some of my stuff at your open mic night-
of course it would be alright. I can think of no greater compliment.
if you do go ahead could you please let me know which one's you choose, and how it goes.

cheers Kevin

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M.C. Newberry

Wed 29th May 2013 15:55

For you - punctuation; for me - proof reading.
I find it really irksome to find AFTER posting something that I have made an error in a word, usually due to the proximity of letters on the PC keyboard (well, that's my excuse!). Happily, not all is lost and in the latest example, it actually works just as well. In my comment on JC's poem about Gloucester Cathedral, I typed "ensuring" when I had intended "enduring". But it shows how these things can slip by, doesn't it?

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M.C. Newberry

Tue 28th May 2013 17:25

Hello Hazel - apropos my comment on your post
"Symphony of the Elements" elsewhere:
You put "symphony's" in a couple of places
but I read this to be "symphonies" (in the
plural). As shown it indicates possession with
the use of an apostrophe.
Best wishes.

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Ann Foxglove

Fri 30th Nov 2012 19:02

Thanks for the message - glad you're back!

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Ann Foxglove

Fri 30th Nov 2012 16:23

Hi Hazel - welcome to WOL - hope you'll enjoy the site! :)

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