The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 31 days, 11 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Kate Tym

Updated: Fri, 11 May 2012 01:44 pm

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I'm a former Random House Commissioning Editor, published author, mainly children's books, and performance poet. I work extensively in Arts in Healthcare and have just completed a poetry project working with stroke survivors - How Are You Feeling? - creating poetry from their testimonies on what it's like to have/recover from a stroke. I have just been the short-listing judge for the Stroke Association's own poetry competition - Andrew Motion will be the final judge. And I'll be talking at the Stroke Association Annual Assembly at the NEC in Birmingham in July. I'm in the middle of negotiating a tenure as Writer in Residence across the East Sussex NHS Trust. I'm on the WI speaker circuit(!) and regularly go into both primary and secondary schools to provide author visits and poetry workshops.


Kissing your corpse If you died I would climb inside your grave And gouge my fingers into your fleshy face I would kiss your cold clammy skin And whisper sweet nothings into Your worm-ridden ears I would wipe the mud out of your Sightless eyes And squeeze your bloated torso I would breathe in your fetid stench And wrench clumps of matted hair From your desiccating scalp I would lie still And fill you with my life I would close my eyes And open my mouth as the clods Rained down on us I would give you my last breath My hand entwined with your Rictus fingers My skin fusing with yours As you rotted so would I Returning to an atomic state Released back into the atmosphere Whooshing round the stars Sparkling As the universe Embraced us And then Let us go c/r kate tym 2011 Salt Kiss I kissed you and you tasted salty I felt the powdery film of sweat Long dried I licked my lips As if sliding my Tongue across Your skin The hard work You do Distilled there It took me back To holidays and sun Patchy patterns Of the sea Dried onto your back Salt formations Crystalized Your body Cold from the sea But hot to my touch Wave rush Blue sky I remember my eyes screwed To look at you And the smell of the salt in the air I want to kiss you again You are Delicious c/r kate tym 2012

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

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Neil Fawcett

Thu 14th Jul 2011 13:57

Thanks for your kind comment Kate. You make me laugh and that's good, very good. Thanks.

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winston plowes

Wed 19th Jan 2011 22:20

Hi Kate, for no apparent reason I have been looking at you poems on your site (I shouldbe doing my book keeping!. Loved the child drawn icons and loved 'Street drinker', a double whamey of a poem. thank you. Winston

<Deleted User> (8943)

Tue 18th Jan 2011 17:04

Hi Kate,

Just had a wee look at your profile and really enjoyed "He Is Veg Patch"
I'll have to pop back and have another look around, the poems on your profile a quite fun which is refreshing after so much deep and meaningful :) x

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Dave D Poet Rhumour

Mon 17th Jan 2011 16:04

Hi Kate, both Sunday Morning TV and the sump hunt made me smile - I think our 'escape' video when the kids were teeny was Postman Pat, lol. Best wishes, Dave

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Lynn Dye

Mon 13th Sep 2010 23:53

Hi Kate, just love your Sunday Morning TV - brings back memories of when my kids were young, lol. x

<Deleted User> (7212)

Mon 13th Sep 2010 13:37

Ooooh you cheeky monkey - let's see a photo of you first!
- I dont think you'd want to see me in suspenders & stockings :)

<Deleted User> (6895)

Mon 13th Sep 2010 09:07

Dear Madam
please be informed-I found'Sunday morning tv' funnily disgusting-do you need a camera man? aythankyor! Mr SW.

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Wed 12th May 2010 14:50

I love Sunday Morning TV!

<Deleted User> (6470)

Thu 14th Jan 2010 22:13

Hi Kate, I love yer "Biscuit" poem - makes me mouth water!

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Dave Bradley

Thu 3rd Dec 2009 16:29

Hi Kate

No I didn't catch Churchill on the slide with belly and trunks. But so typical of the man. He cared very little what people thought about him, and was determined to have fun, take risks and accept challenges. It's a wonder he lived as long as he did. He put it down to his destiny, so far as I know, without ever defining the term.


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Dave Bradley

Wed 2nd Dec 2009 11:03

Hi Kate

I like your profile poems. There's a humour and relish for being alive which breathes through them. More please!

<Deleted User> (7140)

Wed 2nd Dec 2009 00:05

Good evening Kate,

I enjoyed your very funny poetry. I must say I didn't think a poem called Sunday Morning TV would take me on quite such a journey!

Look forward to seeing more of your stuff.


ps. "Brothers in biscuity Arms" is brellyant. Loved it.

<Deleted User> (5646)

Wed 22nd Oct 2008 11:00

Hi Kate,
welcome to the site for budding and experienced poets/esses. I'm one of the former.

"I see red..." is very real. I like the way you've asserted your thoughts and feelings without bitterness. I always find that difficult to do, even though any bitterness there was, is long gone.

Good luck with your poetry, hope it's as successful as your childrens books.
love Janet.xx

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