The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 30 days, 15 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Lenford White

Updated: Tue, 12 Jun 2012 09:06 pm

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All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

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Tue 20th Oct 2009 07:38

HI Lenford

thanks for taking the time to read and make comment on my work

steve x

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Dave Morgan

Sat 29th Aug 2009 22:14

Thanks for your kind comments Lenford . While my current mission is to contribute rubbish and trivia to this fine site, I do it as a perverse tribute to awesome writers like yourself. Where did you learn to write or does it just happen? As Mr Jellyhead, who died five years ago this month, and who we will be commemorating at the Man and Scythe in Bolton Sunday 13th September, often said the only rules Dave, are that there are no rules". I think that's the kind of statement that encourages lengthy and healthy discussion on Write out Loud. Look forward to reading more of your work and seeing it get recognised in a wider arena.


<Deleted User> (5593)

Sat 11th Jul 2009 12:21

Hi Len
Your 'blueyonder' email address doesn't work anymore - could you give me your new email address please - email

<Deleted User> (5886)

Tue 24th Feb 2009 18:50

I especially like your sample poem, it flows very poetically, and has some intriguing ideas within it. Very nice.

<Deleted User> (5886)

Tue 24th Feb 2009 18:41

Many thanks for your comment on my poem, I think that I wrote previously on somebody else's poem that there are so many different ways to interpret somebody's work, and that was one of the interpretations that I got when I read mine back after I had written it...that it was about a love that would exist even after it had left this world. This poem was actually written about two clients of mine (I am a support worker for disabled and terminally ill people) they are very close, not married or anything like that because they are not able to, but they are quite elderly, and I just saw their love, and wrote what I thought that they felt between them. But thank you so much for your words, and yes I would very much like to read the poem that you mentioned. I will also look at some of your work here :)

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Anna Grinter

Fri 23rd Jan 2009 14:14

your poems are wonderfull to read
Anna xx

<Deleted User> (4281)

Sun 2nd Mar 2008 03:35

Hi, Lenford
It is a great pleasure to read your poems. You have a wonderful way of expressing love in your writings. Keep writing as your poems are great! I do enjoy each of them.
Thank you for your comment on the ‘LOVE FROM ABOVE'


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clarissa mckone

Sat 2nd Feb 2008 04:07

HI Lenford, I really enjoyed read loves like that ! Its very special. thanks clarissa

<Deleted User> (4281)

Fri 25th Jan 2008 05:12

I will come back to read more of your poems soon. It is a pleasure to read your poetry.
Thank you...Zuzanna

<Deleted User> (4281)

Fri 25th Jan 2008 05:09

Hello Lenford

Your love poem has many wonderful faces. The poetry shows a lot of depth, almost psychological approach toward the emotion. You have depth in expression too. Being a thinker by nature you are able to put all on paper what was on your mind merely from observing others.

Your intuitive nature helps to create with vision and easiness each line that you intent to present to the reader. Fabulous job!

<Deleted User> (4281)

Fri 25th Jan 2008 05:01


Any written word can not be judged as good or bad so I was told. This is why I would like to pass the information on you so you will not be as hard on yourself thinking that your writes are good or not. Poetry today has many different faces. Some are free style some are Sonnets, some Haiku. People use many styles. All styles are nice.

I found your writing very nice. Easy to read and your feelings are in connections with your words.
Enjoyed this stanza in particular, as it gave me the perfection of your expressed feelings toward someone special.

"Lying down, I idly stroke your face and twist your hair around my fingers
You smell delicious, your skin is so silky, I put my arms around you and
Give you the tightest of squeezes. We both hold our breath.
Two hearts beat in unison, valentine’s day is our day. "

Very well written! Great poem!...Zuzanna

<Deleted User> (4249)

Mon 3rd Dec 2007 23:07

Hello Lenford

I have just registered on the site and was drawn to yout poems.

I am looking forward to reading more.


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clarissa mckone

Mon 26th Nov 2007 02:27

HI Lenford,
Your poems are very nice. I can tell from your poems that you really lost a special person. Im sorry for that, and hope that time helps. I know for me that reading and writting poems has helped me. take care

<Deleted User>

Mon 2nd Jul 2007 08:58

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