The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 28 days, 6 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Mark Mr T Thompson

Updated: Thu, 9 Dec 2010 05:25 pm

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Mark ‘Mr T’ Thompson Born and bred in South-East London of Anglo-Jamaican heritage, Mark originally trained as an actor following which he appeared on stage and screen, including touring nationally in a play written by Benjamin Zephaniah. Having found acting work a little less than consistent (ahem... ok a lot less than consistent!), he retrained as secondary drama teacher, looking to bring his youth work and dramatic skills together in a way that would actually allow him to make a regular wage between other engagements. Working as a Drama lecturer in FE, a theatre company’s director of education and then as a teacher of children with speech and language difficulties, he eventually decided to go back to the world of performance, this time focusing on his poetry. His love of verse can be traced to a diverse range of inspirations; his passion for rap music and sung lyrics, an early introduction to Shakespeare and a love of dub poets like Zephaniah. His first verses were written in song or rap form, but he didn’t discover the most effective way to use them until he stumbled into a spoken word event in Brixton in 2003. It was a eureka moment. Hold on I don’t need music, I can just get up and SAY my stuff!’ Twelve months later he won his first slam. Late in 2010 he won the People's Choice award for most popular artist on in their televised on-line slam. His work is intensely personal exploring themes including; culture and identity, love and romance, as well as political and social commentary. A whole chapter of his first collection, ‘Mixed Messages’ self published in 2009, is dedicated to the story of his wife Sarah’s successful search for a bone marrow donor. Mark has volunteered with the African Caribbean Leukaemia Trust ever since, regularly representing the organisation at various awareness and fundraising events as the ACLT’s official poet. He has already sold over 400 copies of his first book, 200 copies of the CD, performed at venues from the Hackney Empire to The Blues Room in Johannesburg, in the process winning a number of awards and Slam competitions. Additionally he has delivered educational, poetry-based workshops to young people in schools and colleges receiving rave reviews.


Even Superman needs a phone-box Even superman needs a phone-box, When he needs to make a change. And obviously he also has to arrange, A small plastic carrier bag, in which to place his shoes and socks. Batman has both Robin and Alfred when he needs a helping hand, A quiet word of support, a gadget, or just a mate to understand. So if you need it, find some space where you can try and change your state, Lean on a friend in time of need, as in time you may be needed to reciprocate. Don’t knock yourself, it’s ok to pause or share if it all gets too much, Even proudest walking wounded will not be embarrassed to clutch a crutch. So work out what you need, And if in doubt then seek advice, Then take your remedy, Be it a private space, A friend’s assistance, Or just chicken peas and rice.

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

Audio entries by Mark Mr T Thompson

Stay Put (16/06/2017)


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<Deleted User> (11485)

Sat 5th Oct 2013 14:19

Love this vibrant poem, so humane.

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M.C. Newberry

Tue 16th Jul 2013 14:41

Dear Mr Thompson - I have never suggested to anyone that their comments are unwelcome on my own contributions...
and I have never deleted any that are posted. Say what you will. I don't have to agree - but that seems to something you find unpalatable.I have always resisted the inference - especially when it is misleading - that everything is "black and white" in this life.

<Deleted User> (6315)

Mon 25th Jul 2011 00:03

Thankyou Mark for finding something within my poem Sandcastles..much appreciated :))

<Deleted User> (8659)

Thu 17th Feb 2011 11:44

Hi Mark, Thanks for the comment on 'You'll Be Old Yourself One Day".
Yeah,sod the alternative, getting old is fun!

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Mark Mr T Thompson

Tue 4th Jan 2011 18:35

No that makes perfect sense. One of my Mum's Favourites is 'Not Waving But Drowning' and she was mortified when she recently heard a recording in the poets own voice!

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Mark Mr T Thompson

Mon 3rd Jan 2011 20:29

Thanks Charlene! Did you hear the audio version at the top or just read it?

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Mark Mr T Thompson

Sun 12th Dec 2010 00:41

Hi Winston,

Had to justify your efforts!



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winston plowes

Sat 11th Dec 2010 21:22

Hi Mark, since your profile was properly activated we seem to have uncorked a bottle... great! Winston

<Deleted User> (7075)

Wed 8th Dec 2010 19:26

Hi Mark, Welcome to our web site, hope you find something of interedt here, Winston (Admin)

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