The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 30 days, 21 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Melissa Wiens

Updated: Mon, 17 Sep 2018 10:45 pm


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I use my writing as a way to express myself in a positive way, so if you would like an insight into how I view the world, follow my blog :) I like writing on social issues, what's on my mind, or maybe just about something beautiful. My medium is usually a personal essay, rhyming poem, freestyle poetry, or slam poetry.


MIGHTY OAK Trust is like a mighty oak Taking years and countless actions To develop into a solid, unswaying bond At first, it is a flimsy thing Rustled by every insecurity You are not likely to last if you don’t grow, Which requires nutrients, or memories Sometimes it suffers damage Damage that you might survive Although, if not discussed or repaired Can impede growth or cause damage later on Once you achieve growth Along with the roots to support it You start to take root Meaning that if torn out, there’ll be notable damage In the middle years, it’s slow going Growing slow but steadily stronger Your roots start to intertwine There’s been a harsh winter or two You survived, and came out stronger What you have in the middle years Starts to attract attention from others They think that destroying the tree will get them ahead That they could have what you two have Could be used to their advantage If not that, parasites might eat away at your core The damage you left unrepaired might give way Even scarier, a freak accident or unforeseen storm might hit Causing unrepairable damage to both parties Though, if you bet the odds and power through The rewards are plentiful The ecosystem becomes reliant on your relationship People put you two together Like huge trees and the redwood forest Not all make it Some are torn from their supports by secrets Some are cut down by jealousy The ones that last though That seem to have been here from the beginning Are a thing of beauty

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

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Nigel Astell

Thu 20th Sep 2018 13:00

Thanks for your like on In Darkness Lurks - - -

Loved the last three lines on your poem
Just a teenager!

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Nigel Astell

Mon 3rd Sep 2018 15:22

Thanks for your like on He Never Returned

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Melissa Wiens

Fri 31st Aug 2018 19:53

Thanks Big Sal, glad you liked it. This is the first time I've put my work out there so it's nice to get feedback

Big Sal

Thu 30th Aug 2018 23:36

All my oaks were chopped and seared years ago. . Great sample you have though, as it leaves a nostalgic reminder for some like me.?

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