The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 32 days, 14 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Samual Jake

Updated: Wed, 5 Apr 2017 01:36 pm


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I am a poet, well, starting out as one, as I love writing about things that affect me. I am Bipolar, I battle with this everyday, however I look at this as a blessing. I have been discriminated for this and in other areas been blessed, such as working as a teacher, mental health worker and working within families to support them if they have mental health. I am a mental health fighter and believe our rights should never be taken due to our health. I believe in equal rights for all. I have tried to take my life too many times, to being manic and powerful, its in the writing. Feedback is welcomed.


Death: Death is so inviting, It calls to me, even in my sleep, I awake in the early hours of dawn, Death whispers in my ear, It tricks me, old face have new names. I fight with all my will to fight off the demon I call death, Death whispers in my ear, come you will be safer with me, Its plays me like a game, he wants to take me the burning flames of hell. I must reclaim my strength and soul, as death cannot take my life as its already tried, however this does not stop death for coming for me, even when he has lost too many times. I feel I know death; somehow we have met before, He declares himself to be my friend, I have been at heaven's gates before; too many that I would like to recall, People can not compered the strength that death holds, and how death lies to gain people lives. Myself and death are friends from so many times he has nearly took me, I am closer to death, than I am to my mare mortals, However all friendships but come to an end, This is where death and me will be forever friends, For when my life is no longer, I am defeated and no longer a fighting soldier.

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

Blog entries by Samual Jake

Death Brought Us Closer (28/04/2017)

Death Part II (20/04/2017)

my webiste (16/04/2017)

Lie & Run (16/04/2017)

Dormant (12/04/2017)

Dont Quit (08/04/2017)

I Lied (06/04/2017)

Manic (05/04/2017)

Lovers or Friends? (05/04/2017)

Bipolar & My Brother (05/04/2017)

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keith jeffries

Wed 5th Apr 2017 15:08

Hello Samual, I have read your poem ´Death´and your biography. You possess immense talent, honesty and skill. At the end of your biography you write, ´its in the writng´. It most certainly is. In the poem ´Death´the line ´Death whispers in my ear, come you will be safer with me´. This shows an insight quite incredible for there are many who could not express this. Write more as you are already on the road to be a really good poet and writer. Thank you. Keith

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