The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

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Updated: Wed, 8 Aug 2018 04:08 pm

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I am a kenyan poet: English & literature teacher by proffesion: art is my hobby...spoken


A WOMAN IN DIAMONDS Linking my finger Thinking hard Is this the kind of life....i wish to have Rubbing my feet The floor so rough...rusty...dusty Under my feet is dispeakable The soft touch is no more my make Contemplating.... If the one with the dark eyes.. Oval head, Leaf shape ears Long legs.. Hairy chest.. Boby lips. Is it worth my hand stretch Looks deceive But should i? Must i? Tell me...speak up! For this life has stole my patience I dont want to let go This dark eyes are full of ambition Prosperity! Victory! I want to be in diamonds Yes! Diamonds! Yea! Pearls! Yes! Gold bracelates Look around vane! look around The air i breath is contaminated Smoke that chokes my eyes Freezing my tears Where my hands... Live in the ice water. Ever washing the dirty dishes Heavy solid clothes of the young in dirt In the name of 'knowing my place' In the African society as a woman Saying am fit to be 'a mans wife' My hours in bed..... counted My freedom...cautioned With lips even when oiled still crack Nails...rugged still this cursed hands toil still they work... But no one sees how weary they have become ...will i ever be lucky? To be in pearls I want to be in diamonds Decieved by own fate Engaged to the full bitterness Corrupted by my own insight fear But..the blue eyes promising of affection Determined to prove thy word They crave to have my left hand finger Clothed with a diamond ring I? Desperate? I hate this sport.. Where i sit after my sweat With my smelly, sweaty cloths So worn not a beggar The sport where it suits best So dark..fine for me to hide Where the walls are too heavy Where the walls are too loyal ...not to lay my cry out Where the walls will crush every moment my sadness never existed I will hold on to the blue eyes For the dark eyes my soul rejects Selfish? Yes! My hands are tired I can not wait I want the hand that is warm That gives... Much..too much It is gold Pearls! I want me in diamonds Ashamed to be seen For the women of this age are refined Fancy clothes... Shoes...beautiful shoes.. You can tell their skin is so smooth ...they smell life for they are full of it I dont want life to laugh at me The envy is undeniable When i will be in diamonds Where my blessed chest... Crafted heaps...thighs fall Fall in a designed silky gown When gold will be my middle name When my rugged nails.. ..get painted and drafted When my pale skin.. Becomes no more chalky and lightens Then on,i will let the world see me Then on,my burden heart will be free I want to be in diamonds 'Knowing my place?' In the African society? I will let the society see What lies under this woman More than just a woman With a voice to be heard More than just a woman With something to call 'her own' A woman in diamond!

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

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Big Sal

Wed 8th Aug 2018 16:01

"More than just a woman ." - indeed. A writer with emotion and a message to send. Here's hoping you continue to write.?

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David Cooke

Mon 7th Jul 2014 22:42

Hi Vanessa Glad you liked the poems! I'm not as active as I used to be on WOL and mostly use it when I want to post a poem and a picture on my FB page. I'll check out yours when I can settle down them properly. David

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Mon 7th Jul 2014 20:45

Tommy thanks: This is just my fevourite. In kenya most culture believe that a woman is to serve her man and nothing more.

I wanted to bring out the picture of a woman who has dreams too. A woman who wants to be free. A woman who wants to be something in the society and gain respect just like the men. A woman who wants to have something of her own and be proud of.

Am glad i did. Thank you.I will keep writting

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Tommy Carroll

Mon 7th Jul 2014 19:04

Hi Vanessa :) ''A Woman In Diamonds'' exposes something I have never known. Your words educate, your words expose desire and frustration in a unique way. Write more- write often. :) Tommy

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Mon 7th Jul 2014 08:12

Graham Sherwood am very greatfull for the warm welcome : I will do so as you said

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Graham Sherwood

Sun 6th Jul 2014 22:43

Hello Vanessorina

Welcome to Write Out Loud.
I hope you enjoy the site. We're really looking forward to reading some of your work and I know that you will be warmly welcomed by other WOL-ers too.

If you haven’t already added a picture to your profile please try and do so. It’s good to see what our fellow poets look like.

Have a good browse around, there’s lots going on and if you have the time to make some comments about the work of other poets please feel free. It’s the best way to get some constructive feedback about your own work too.
There’s always someone who’ll help you out with a problem, so just ask and someone will get back to you. It’s a friendly place, so welcome once again.

Graham Sherwood

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