Children from the age of six to ten are compliant,
But in their teenage years they become defiant.
They push their parents away and listen to their peers.
Their friends understand them,adults bring on tears.
Teenagers can be mystifying,
Understanding them can be trying.
Tempers in many households do fray,
Patience is a virtue make it pay.
We as parents need to let off steam,
But be careful not to destroy their self - esteem.
Their God like encyclopaedia You tube is their barge,
Their world is small but their feelings large.
You are the boss and they hate you for it,
Enter their world and give in a bit.
Their attention span has a lot of lulls,
Not enough quality info is entering their skulls.
Arrange information nights together around the fire,
Discussing their ambitions and their future desire.
A teenager buys a new dress for her prom,
But peer pressure and their comments sets off a bomb.
On group chat criticism gives it 4 out of ten,
They all pile in and the dress will never be seen agen.
We all love drama and give it a voice,
But many teenagers love it as a lifestyle choice.
Some teenagers perform an infuriated scream,
Their dramatic way of showing what they mean,
Our views of teenagers must not get to low,
Otherwise their egos will suffer a blow,
Raise them and praise them to pedestals high,
Well done,excellent reach for the sky,
You are the future get up and burn,
The flame of passion to live and learn.
Don Matthews
Thu 16th Apr 2020 23:12
Well done Hugh....
Wise words MC.....