Fingers Crossed
Fingers Crossed
Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst,
By this natural quirk our future is cursed.
Keep on keeping on and show your best side,
Together we’ll one day have parties outside.
We hide in our prison cells, watching tv,
The birds in our garden, the buds on the tree,
Our freedoms so precious now need to be lost,
As we sit here in fear, our fingers are crossed.
On screen and in street we make new friends
And old ones our friendships now make amends
Tragic optimism is now our best view
A new question of import: how are you?
Our lives once so frantic, so lonely and cold,
Are now in low gear as our loved ones we hold,
The profits or stresses aside now are tossed
As we sit here in fear, our fingers are crossed.
Many will die, and others will suffer,
The future’s not bright, may get even tougher,
For coming through darkness and into the light
Ripples of loss we’ll continue to fight.
And once a week we meet up, in porch or on street
We clap those who help, eachother we greet.
Each night on the news they’re counting the cost,
But sit here in hope and keep fingers crossed.
Some feel the panic, accuse and attack
And pillars of society can seem to crack
Police on the streets, we all keep away
And inside we try to live life a new way.
Light candles, sing songs and write out your thoughts
The virus of kindness is one we have caught,
The bars of our prisons may turn to rust
But still we hold hope, with fingers crossed.
The blossom this spring seems brighter and clear
And minds too are focussed on those near and dear.
Our thoughts of compassion, love strong and fair,
Help us to give, to care and to share.
So open your hearts, your souls and your mind
To how we can live in this way that is kind.
In instincts of our shared love we must trust
And sit here gently, with fingers crossed.
M x
M.C. Newberry
Wed 15th Apr 2020 14:14
The reality is that disease has always been with us. It varies down
the centuries, according to circumstance but like nature in general
(including humanity), it will continue to evolve and we have to adapt
accordingly to keep up - hopefully, inventing the means to combat and eradicate the threat.