Following Brexit I had held the view for quite a time that we must be the most stupid nation on the planet; why else would 17m people vote for something when they didn’t know what they’d get (and still don’t for that matter).
Now I don’t want to downgrade Britain’s achievements in this department but events in the USA have caused me to re-evaluate my position. Now, you might think I’m a bit slow on the uptake ; there has been ample evidence of the rise in stupidity in recent years – the election of an irrational megalomaniac to the office of President and the national addiction to gun culture to offer just two examples.
But I was hugely impressed with an article and video on the BBC News website showing John Doe contributions on the issue of wearing face masks to limit the spread of Covid 19 in Florida. One such contribution opposing the proposed legislation (and only one) seemed reasonable; that it would be irresponsible for anyone wearing a face mask to buy a firearm. If I ignore the starting premise then I can see that. But the others were priceless.
Among them were
“They want to throw God’s wonderful breathing system out the door”
They’re imposing “communist dictatorship orders”
This is “dishonouring the American flag”
“That mask is literally killing people”
“You, doctor, are going to be arrested for crimes against humanity”
“You don’t care about the people”
You are suggesting “to muffle people; to keep us from breathing oxygen”
“You preach pseudo-science and safety”
We are “blessed” in the UK with a fountain of political and sociological comment spawned on Facebook and Twitter, endlessly re-posted and re-tweeted by John-Down-The-Pub for the gullible benefit of millions.
And though I am reluctant to stand aside on the podium of national stupidity, I feel I must vacate to the USA the gold medal platform.
John Coopey
Sun 28th Jun 2020 09:06
Po - I think getting up so early (or maybe staying up so late) has been a bit of a jolt to your system.