Need a mask?
order on line
now there are more masks
than ever before
all colors
all varieties
some clear
some opaque
they have become
a fashion statement
have one for every day of the week
for every occasion
now you can hold up convenience stores
without any problem at all
who was that masked man?
it could have been your Rabbi
your Doctor
your ex-Husband
you don't know because
everyone is now masked
masks mask
our identity
our feelings
our thought's
there is no telling
what people are thinking anymore
everyone is masked
will conversation die
will kisses become obsolete
we need to consider these important issues
before we mask more
masks are now mandatory
and anyone without a mask
will be imprisoned
let's face it
we are doomed to mask
but what goes on behind the mask
is between you and the mask.
julie callaghan
Thu 9th Jul 2020 13:00
I think you read my mind, I just ordered some masks online, who would have thought there was so much choice. I must admit I am not looking forward to wearing one. We have spent years telling people not to wear hoodies, helmets and face coverings and now we are encouraging it..... but if it helps to save lives it is small price to pay.