Thunder In The Far Away
Sitting in a chair
wandering in and out of sleep
the mind so at ease
it drifts along like a leaf in a stream
a clap of thunder cracks far away
like a firecracker going off
an exclamation point in the sky
the mind snaps back into the present
and waits
anticipates another
then from out of nowhere
thunder claps its hands
right over the house
so loud
it rattles the windows
and shakes the rafters
the dog scurries for cover
and in a little while
you hear the pitter-patter of rain
tickling the roof
trickling down the windows
so soothing a sound
like a sedative
the world is so angry now
so much horrid news and negativity
but the sound of thunder
and then refreshing rain
is a salve upon its wounds
a sound so natural and pleasing
a gift for the soul
now the earth will rest.
Shifa Maqba
Sun 2nd Aug 2020 18:37
Dazzling! ?