Sometimes I just do not give a damn.
You do not know how lonely I am.
Too hell with Covit-19, I want to be "me".
So... Out there I go, seeing friends that I know.
I want to be living life, like before, simple and free.
I no longer cover my face.
Not with close friends, while in my own place.
I now take chances to a large degree.
Please understand, at six feet apart.
I can not feel the beating of your heart.
Being close is nicer, you do agree.
I do enjoy feeling the warmth of your breath.
Even though it could bring my death.
However, experiencing life is more important to me.
Remember, I am a very lonely man.
Getting satisfaction, I can.
If I could just go back to being "me".
By JD Bardo
J.D. Bardo
Sun 6th Dec 2020 18:05
High, Nicola. A roll of the dice, but having company is nice. I can not do the mask in my own house.