Over Corona
We've had such a long time with this Covid-19,
The greatest pandemic that there's ever been.
With huge numbers infected and some having died,
To stop this virus we have all certainly tried.
Now it seems that we may now have a solution,
As vaccines are prepared with mass distribution.
While we all had to live in this dreadful reality,
Can we at last now return to normality?
When all vaccinations have been completed,
Shall this awful virus then be defeated?
Shall this terrible problem quickly diminish?
And does it mean that this, our nightmare, will finish?
When Corona has gone know we can start anew,
The world shall rejoice and our dreams shall come true.
So when we are passed this time of hardship and pain,
Be sure we can rebuild all our lives once again.
keith jeffries
Fri 4th Dec 2020 17:57
A very good poem. Enjoyed this