We Are All Of Us
We are all of us children
grown up and making our own
way in the world
still children
for all of that.
We are all of us dreamers
woken up to our own
still dreaming
for all of that.
We are all of us lovers
in love with making our own
love love
still loving
for all of that.
We are all of us seekers
stretching up to find our own
place in this world
still seeking
for all of that.
We are all of us
all of us
not separate
from all of that.
Aviva Rifka Bhandari
Sat 9th Jan 2021 23:25
Thank you Stephen, I came to think, and I hoped the poem conveys, that being dreamers, lovers and seekers goes beyond the concept of right or wrong or good or bad but is simply our innate and essential nature, something that if we know it can help us to understand, accept and tolerate ourselves and eachother better. As for being children I think this also is our innate and essential nature but it is a crammed concept hinged on the core premise that we can only be what we have been helped to be, and that even the ability to change what we are is a behaviour some haven't had the chance to learn. If this be the case then we cannot lose the innocence we are born with and this magical connection between what we have been able to experience and what we have been able to become doesn't end just because we have reached legal maturity. Your comment makes me think that the poem does suggest either all or enough of that.
Isn't it so difficult to work out what our poems really say to others when we have the background reasons already in our mind and can't easily tell how a fresh mind will read the words.