Hard Scrabble
It's a word game
for people who like words
the object of the game
is to make big words
and score big points
and humiliate your opponent
so they never play again
it's a lot like poker
it depends on what you're dealt
and your cunning and shrewdness
in defeating your foe
to the best of your ability
if you don't draw good tiles
you don't win
then prepare for misery
when the game is over
and the whole game is relived again
as if once was not enough
if you're wife is playing against you
you are doubly challenged
what are you going to do
win and make her mad?
it's a hard decision
a hard scrabble life.
Aviva Rifka Bhandari
Mon 18th Jan 2021 13:46
Keep a few words up your sleeve
Keep a few words close to your heart
Borrow a few words from a poem
Use kind words if you know them.