The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 13 days, 9 hours. Get details and Enter.


There's a rainbow slowly fading, where hero's once took a bow.

All that applause through open doors are an illusion to me now.

The young must live with guilt they don’t recognise,

Immune from all the consequence of blame

Road signs have been turned around the other way,

While the old can barely harmonise their pain.


Schools are testing theories not yet proven,

Administered by those employed to teach.

'Iconoclastic thought will not be tolerated'!

As computer-generated lessons preach.


They’re shooting promos of the testing stations,

With a backdrop of a tower block in flames.

Sepia-coloured faded reminiscences; a tarpaulin-covered

Tattooed hearts refrain.


It's rumoured we’re the product of someone’s master plan,

But the colour of a passport says little of who I am.


Masks and overalls are de-rigeur,

Worn like a prisoner’s ball and chain.

The lexicon of all is now familiar with

The names of Pharma’ giants and the strains

Of a virus that mutates like politicians,

And vaccines with unfamiliar names.


While money doesn't talk it swears,

The richest countries all get theirs

There's profit to be made, trading on misery.

I may be wrong; I've been down so long

But it looks like up to me.





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trevor homer

Sun 24th Jan 2021 11:12

All comments are correct in their critique, and I thank Keith for recognising it is a dispassionate view of events,
As Po. says and all seem to concur, it is necessary sometimes just to lift the veil

Thanks to all

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keith jeffries

Sun 24th Jan 2021 00:33

Some might regard this poem as a clever attempt at cynicism whereas in reality it speaks with an honest clarity in a world almost anesthetized to what is really taking place. No longer can people evaluate or think clearly, nor perhaps even wish to.

Thank you for this

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M.C. Newberry

Sat 23rd Jan 2021 17:37

The connection between big events and the big profits to be made is
well taken. Like war, disease sees industrial moguls making mega-
bucks. And a look at shareholders in the industries involved might
also be instructive assuming that the "trail" can be followed. It took
a former WW2 military supremo like Eisenhower when US president
to warn about the connections and their power/influence.

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Stephen Gospage

Sat 23rd Jan 2021 16:54

Every line is a winner. Wonderful stuff.

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Stephen Atkinson

Fri 22nd Jan 2021 17:07

' The young now live with guilt they don't recognize' one of many great lines, Trevor. ?

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