Who was it killed George Floyd?
Not I said the cop, I’m just employed
to do a job, and felt annoyed that
just because he used his weight
to crush his windpipe and suffocate him
on the street in broad daylight, while 3 more officers
held him down, like in so many other towns.
I only acted in self-defence,
to keep the white folk from attack, he just happens to be black.
You know our policy – Aim to Kill.
He shouldn’t have passed that dollar bill.
Who was it killed George Floyd?
It wasn’t I said the passer by,
I pay my tax like all the rest,
and want the cops to keep me safe.
I always do things by the book,
I just stopped to take a look.
He must have done something wrong,
for them to hold him down so long.
I walked away when I heard him shout,
‘I can’t breathe, please let me out’!
Who was it killed George Floyd?
Not I said the teacher who taught him well
in practise for his living hell.
He wouldn’t listen to me at all,
however much I made him crawl.
You might say it was neglect, but
he never showed me any respect.
I just kept him off the street,
until his time came to leave.
There’s plenty more where he came from,
mother’s grieving for another son.
You can say life’s unfair but don’t blame me,
I wasn’t there.
Who was it killed George Floyd?
Not I said the guy at the Labour exchange,
even though he was unemployed.
I tried my best to arrange a job,
sure, it was12 hours a day that
didn’t even cover rent,
by the time you’re paid the money’s spent.
It doesn’t matter what you do,
you’ll find his kind are never content.
I’m not saying I’m better than him,
but it helps to have white skin
‘cos every time he gets in line,
there’s a million others to stand behind.
Who was it killed George Floyd?
Not I said the populist journalist,
I just tell it like it is.
I listen to what the people say,
then turn it ‘round the other way.
We check the facts with utmost rigour,
then make it sound like propaganda.
You can’t deny the words aren’t true,
it’s just a different point of view.
Ask my editor, he agrees,
it’s all about the sale of copies.
Who was it killed George Floyd?
Not I said the President from his lair,
but then, I don’t really care.
Preaching to the howling faithful,
telling them they should be grateful,
living in the land of plenty
with half the country’s pockets empty,
using them to take the blame
And make America great again.
To be the first, to be the best,
to fuel the flames of racial unrest,
with cops who act as judge and jury.
‘Home of the Brave – Land of the Free.’
M.C. Newberry
Tue 19th Jan 2021 01:19
So - I have "form"? In the quest for full and coolly considered
findings, perhaps. I reject and revile the tainted tendency towards
"trial by media" that feeds off preconceived prejudices and populist
posing. As for Keith's stats. in 2019,over 50 weeks, 38 US police
were shot dead on duty, a slightly lower figure that the 47 that
suffered a similar fate in 2018. In short, any call there to reported
criminal behaviour is to be taken very seriously indeed in a society
full of guns and unstable individuals who don't do as they're asked
and thus liable to respond in deadly fashion. My original comment
made a plea for proper procedural processes to be followed to a comprehensively considered verdict. I do not shrink from demanding that this happen whatever the pressure from various "interests" and their adherents. ? Otherwise, just who is
safe from those who convict and condemn without exhaustive legal process to conclusion? You? Me? Anyone?