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Where does time go?
wherever it goes
I want to go there too
so I can get some of it back

imagine if you could find that place
would it not be delightful
to retrieve all that time
years and years of it
that disappeared
before your very eyes

that secret place time goes
is actually within you
you carry it around
you use it up
what you do with it
is your business
but I would not use all of it
if I were you
the consequence is deadly

time used unwisely
may go off
to that hiding place again
and then you will have to
try to find it all over again
a total waste of time

if you have time
put it in a bottle and save it
that way you can use it as needed

just don't exceed the
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HIGH RISK,---a poem by O.L. Buzzerd ►


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M.C. Newberry

Wed 10th Mar 2021 14:27

Time and its one-way progress is one of the great enigmas of life,
with a lasting appeal to our imaginations and scientific enquiry.
It is said to be the great "healer" - perhaps one excellent reason
to allow it to remain "as is" - and allow us to exist in the belief
that "better times are around the corner". Certainly, there are times
I would not wish to re-visit in my own life, with the balance coming
from the happier times along the way when our old ally "hope"
comes to our aid. ?..

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