how we scrambled for seconds
treacle puddings creamy trifles,
tables bespattered with bread
pellets like bullets from rifles
we seemed always hungry then
the playground burned it away,
we dreaded chemistry, wanted
fried SPAM and chips each day
in here we don't eat so much
seconds not much in demand,
less boisterous too, for silence
usually gains the upper hand
there's not a playground either
rare demand for physical jerks
no gym sessions or maths, its
enough if your brain still works
no expulsions or detentions,
for boys transgressing the line
just a caravan of ambulances
only last week I counted nine
a smell of boiled cabbage echoes
memories they can never control,
the agency workers watching me
sleep during torch-lit night patrol
M.C. Newberry
Sat 27th Mar 2021 13:54
Funny how as the idea that one might die sees an obsession with
diet in later years. Give me the spam fritters and chips of my youth
any day! ?