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End Of The Road

When there's nothing more to say
   But your mind just keeps on talking,
When there's nothing left to feel,
   You can always feel the same.
When there's nothing else to do,
   There must be something you could be doing,
When there's nothing left to try,
   You can always try again
                               ...and again.

But I can't take the pain,
   And I can't take the sorrow,
Nothing left to be,
   You'll just have to be a friend.
I can't take the blame
   And I can't face tomorrow,
It's not what I want
   But I think its got to end
                      the end.


breaking apartdamaging relationshipslove's tempestvaginismus

◄ Dream On

The Hardest Tears ►


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Aviva Rifka Bhandari

Tue 4th May 2021 09:21

Thank you Nigel for your poetic response ?

You are right once again, where one road ends another road begins, and so on and on.. and maybe not all roads lead to WOL but I'm happy to meet all the travellers for those that did.

Thanks also to everyone who has clicked 'Like' for this poem ?

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Nigel Astell

Tue 4th May 2021 01:28

When there's nothing
more to say
I see it travelling once again
on a road
in a poem
I am reading today.

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