There will come a time
when this mind
this brain rots
its thoughts wash out to sea
and that'll be me
or moved on
it's in doubt
the jury's out.
And is there, then, a trial?
Ah, the Judge.
No more shadows or pathetic self-justification,
ultimate mirror, showing what was right,
blinding light
on my life, this dubious convoy of events,
what was shameful, what made sense,
what of love was born,
and so cannot die?
Am I loved?
Cared for, appreciated,
Do I belong?
Or matter?
And if not, what's the point,
it's all out of joint,
futile, vain,
no purpose, just pain,
plastic platitudes,
soluble solutions.
That's it.
Finished farming my fears for phrases,
it's now on paper, vapour
forget it, get on and live.
When all is said and done
if this were an election,
it would be God
on a re-count.
Dave Bradley
Sun 18th Jul 2010 07:47
Hi Cynthia
Maybe this should be moved to a discussion thread. You've highlighted one of life's apparently insoluble dilemmas, which is of particular importance to those aspiring to write. To what extent should one subordinate the negative to focussing on the positive?
I don't have an answer and would be genuinely interested in what others have to say. For myself, (and I think others) I feel a periodic compulsion to write down words which express what I am gripped by. It is something to do with 'being real' (that may sound pretentious I know). Sometimes it is 'positive' sometimes it is 'negative', and a mixed diet does seem to express reality/life/the universe or whatever we call it.
I suppose there is a type of negative poetry (sometimes seen on WOL) which sets out to disturb people for no good purpose. But that can be avoided, can it not?