Go Go Stop
Go Go Stop
The engines rev
They rev and rev and rev
The tires are balding
The driver is tired
But the engine keeps revving
We must keep going
Don’t listen to your body, take a 'no doz' pill
And keep kicking on
Outside, the world is being left behind
Shapes and colours
As we keep pushing forward
Forget that you are tired
No time to rest
Ignore the fatigue— call on those emergency fuel stores
Pretend that your body doesn’t know what's best
The kilometres are ticking over
No pit stops
No kit kat’s and tea at the driver reviver
We keep up the pace, and adjust the mode to ‘survivor’
Without a service
And a chance to recover
Both the car and the driver
Begin to suffer
And then…
Wait —is that a mirage?
I think I can see the finish line
And there we sit amongst the dust and all the burnt rubber
Thank God the end is here
But one can think beyond the sheer fatigue
So — the accomplishment itself is not totally clear
We now have an opportunity to falter
To crash
We succumb to exhaustion
The journey that started and felt never ending has ended in a flash
So now we rest
Listening to our body
As we know that actually our bodies always did know what's best
But as we are heaped on the side of the road— with all that adrenaline gone
We wonder what the fuck to do next