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Bound as in a spider's last embrace

like a fly bereft of wings in air

shackled o'er a quarry's jagged face

my body slung for pleasure as in a dare.


On a wire suspended and marooned

imagination stretching just for sport

fearful of the gap I lie festooned

as if to walk the plank and count for nought. 


Then like an eagle taking to the sky

plunge in mortal dread deprived of breath

the cracked and broken rocks I do defy

as if in casual disregard for death. 


A Welshman smiles as I go round again

like a pirate on the Spanish main. . 






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Fri 23rd Jul 2021 12:05

Thanks for dropping in Holden, Jennifer and Leon.

Thanks Greg, not me either, just liked the idea on paper. I wrote it as an experiment to see if I could muster up the sonnet form. I was inspired by a book of Shakespeares' sonnets and converted to a modern version by Timothy Ades, a master stroke.

I should stick to terror firma John like me. Or maybe a casual bungee jump haha.

Join the club Jennifer !

Got you Stephen! Surprising how the lines came fairly easily, but had to edit to make it scan.


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Stephen Gospage

Tue 20th Jul 2021 17:48

'On a wire suspended and marooned'

reminds me of someone else we were discussing recently.

Very effective sonnet.

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jennifer Malden

Tue 20th Jul 2021 16:38

Beautiful poem, but not for me, don't like heights, much less jumping off a precipice!


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John Coopey

Tue 20th Jul 2021 07:34

I want to do one day - maybe for my 70th birthday.

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Greg Freeman

Mon 19th Jul 2021 17:05

Beautifully crafted sonnet, Ray. But rather you than me!

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