Moments like this
Moments like this
The endless list of things to do
Are finished!
Well, they’re not
They’ve been abandoned —at least for now
A chance to breathe
As we sit in the sun
Drinking tea
This time— is golden and sacred
The working week ahead will bring
Routine— responsibilities
Time restrictions
And stress
But right now
We have a chance
To sit— as though we are plants in the garden
And to laugh and to smile
As we are given a place to rest
And then—the chatter ceases
This silence— creates solace
Rather than awkwardness
Which otherwise silence often brings
We embrace this special moment
As sunshine— beams over us
No need to fill this space— with anything else
No need to cause a fuss
Pink and orange gerberas have a little giggle on our behalf
'Why don't humans do this more often?'
'And stop doing all that other silly stuff!'
For the flowers— this is their common ground
To stay in the present moment
A place of balance
Where peace is found
As humans—we take from the flowers
A message for our life— or at least a clue
To stop worrying about the future
And what else there is to do