You never see the word Pshaw anymore
it is seldom used
and most people have never heard of it
especially young people
who can barely read much less write
is such a perfect word to show contempt
impatience, disgust
and no it is not misspelled
the P is silent
as well it should be
so start using the word Pshaw
and when someone tells you a whopper
or tries to pull a fast one
say Pshaw out loud to their face
it will scare them so bad
they will never do it again
either that or
they will offer you a Kleenix
and say "Gezundtheit"
another word that needs help
M.C. Newberry
Wed 5th Jan 2022 21:42
Always good to be reminded of seldom used effective phraseology.
When I endured a contemptuous "Piffle"
It was difficult to disguise a sniffle! 😟