Forever Young
Is emblazoned across this shirt
Which you used to own.
It looks so tiny in my hands!
A visual manifestation
Of how incredibly tall you have grown
In such a very short time!
It makes me sad, yet happy,
To see it lying there.
A token of the special bond
We shared.
And share still.
Time has moved on, Will,
Your shirts are double that size.
No. Treble!
Your world has expanded
And so, it must.
Now you correct my
Vocabulary and call me
“Clever lad!”
(Impudent child!)
But we can both remember
That special time,
When you were so small that you
Nestled into the crook of my elbow,
As I marched you off to sleep.
(I couldn’t do that now!)
When grandad was the bestie
With whom young shared your games
And who shared his biscuits with you!
When there was always a new song
To be learnt and to be sung!
William and his bestie,
Forever young!
Stephen Gospage
Sun 3rd Apr 2022 17:12
Very kind of you to say so, John, although I should update my photo soon!