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Your Tears Returned

Two separate, lonely tears descend your cheeks,

Through the moody darkness beneath your eyes,

Precious pearls which leave no streaks.

Are you crying for all those refugees?

The brutality heaped upon our fellow Man.

Or is your sadness so much closer to home?

I will solve your sorrow if I can.

I will roll those tears back, ascending your face,

Retracing their path to your beautiful eyes

And make your world a happier place.



◄ Hand in hand

My Mother, Waving Goodbye. ►


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John Botterill

Tue 19th Apr 2022 22:51

Thanks Clare, KJ, John and Brenda for the likes. 😀

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John Botterill

Mon 18th Apr 2022 12:47

Thanks for this post Rasa. Awesome!
I too have the soul of a Luddite!
I thought of a tag line
Write one
Invite one
We'd soon have mass involvement!
Stephen had the idea for tears so I guess it's me next 😩 I vote we let tears roll on for a while to see if the challenge spreads. Best wishes,

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Rasa Kabaila

Mon 18th Apr 2022 09:24

This is beautiful John. Well done.

I am posting my 'Tears' poem now. I cheated this time, and worked off an unpublished of poem that I wrote and wanted to complete-so it's longer than 10 lines. John-you have also cheated once, so Stephen can have once opportunity to cheat now too. :)

Time for Stephen to pick the next 10 line poem challenge with one word that must be mentioned within. Welcoming any other fellow poets who may be interested in joining! If anyone can work out the hash tag business to get others involved if they are keen, let me know. I'm a millennial but am an old soul at heart.

Best wishes,

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John Botterill

Sun 17th Apr 2022 19:27

Thanks Stephen. I really appreciate your comments. Looking forward to seeing yours. 😀

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Stephen Gospage

Sun 17th Apr 2022 17:14

A very strong, optimistic poem, John. I will add to the tag as soon as I can.

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John Botterill

Sun 17th Apr 2022 06:50

Thanks Holden. Your comments mean a great deal to me 😄

Holden Moncrieff

Sun 17th Apr 2022 00:21

A really beautiful poem, John! I loved how you used the idea of reversing the course of tears! 😊

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