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Ghostly Request

Making a will should bring me peace
Setting out plans for when I decease

I make my choices on who gets what
Where I want be in my resting plot

When I’m gone the thing I fear the most 
Is the thought that I may become a ghost

Always on duty never at rest
A haunting job would make me stressed

Stuck in the house day and night 
My only purpose to give others a fright 

Wearing the same clothes day after day 
A flimsy cotton dress in dusty grey

I wonder if you get to choose 
Flip a coin, heads you win, tails you lose

Who decides if a ghost I should be
I hope this decision is one for me

Maybe I’ll tick “no ghost” on my will list
My final wish, for when I no longer exist 


◄ Our Stylish Queen

Woody Woodpecker ►


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julie callaghan

Wed 1st Jun 2022 19:54

Thanks for the likes.

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Reggie's Ghost

Fri 27th May 2022 07:32

It's not so bad Julie.

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julie callaghan

Thu 26th May 2022 20:01

According to my website this is no 800 attempt at poetry. Now I wish had tried harder. 😂

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