The Blue Balloon
I half blew up a blue balloon
And left it, deliberately, untied.
Then... I let it go...
It was a childish piece of grandad fun,
Which William greatly enjoyed.
The balloon made a whoosh for the window,
Colliding, abruptly, with the double glazing,
Directing it up to the ceiling,
Farting out air on the way.
Anticipating its imminent death,
It made a sudden dash towards the door,
And, gasping out its last, plastic breath,
It sank, sadly, down to the floor.
William was, by now, in hysterics
He’d never seen such high jinx,
But grandad’s an eminent poet,
At least, that is what grandad thinks,
So, he wants all this fun to mean more.
He believes this balloon is a metaphor
Detailing life’s chronology,
By way of an analogy,
Of a journey propelled by hot air.
We can all reach the heights,
We can take in the sights,
It’s a time which we can share.
The termination, though, can be a pain
And it is over with far too soon!
“Come on grandad. Again! Again!
Half-blow up that blue balloon!”
"Yes, William, let's live this life again!"
John Botterill
Fri 24th Jun 2022 22:14
Thanks Stephen and Bethany for your comments. Deflating balloons is a game of for children of all ages 🎈
The analogy is a bit of a stretch, but I enjoy a bit of metaphysical contortionism haha 😁