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P. 2

Just a little bit more 

Of this life on earth 

I got to bear and struggle 

Untill my time to return 


Just a little bit more 

I need to keep myself going 

Half my life is spent 

Only a few more breaths left within 


Just a little more 

Of fun and frolic We may enjoy 

Then it's time for departure

 From here to the next world 


Just a little bit more 

Of sadness and mirth 

Enjoy your time while in this world 

Preparing well the belongings for another one 


Just a little bit more 

Of this and that, these and those 

A few more sweat or chills down the spine 

Before the last breath we breathe on our demise 


Just a little bit more 

Of everything and everyone 

So live your life as and how you wish to live 

For who knows what's awaiting for us, after this 


Just a little bit more 

Of patience and perseverance

Then to our loving lord we finally return 

Leaving behind every good or bad we earned 


Just a little bit more 

Of me and you, you and me 

Love or hate, friends or enemy 

Then everything stays behind as our memories 


Just a little bit more 

Of give and take, of good and bad 

Seeking revenge, forgiving friends 

Then it's time to return to no man's land 


Just a little bit more 

Of eating our favourite food 

Ice creams and chocolates, little tamarinds too 

Carrying with us our best of provisions for our next life too 


Just a little bit more 

Of laughter and tears 

A loving bond of love and friendship 

Then all will remain behind untill we meet in our next trip 


Just a little bit more 

Of anger and hatred Showing off our greatness 

For all pride and ego will only become the reason of our downfall 

In this world and also in the next world to come 


Just a little bit more 

Of struggling to earn lots more 

Of wealth, gold, land and richess 

But it shall all be of no profit, when we die taking with us simply nothing 


Just a little bit more 

To bear all the the ugly wounds and scars 

That ugly people give to us for nothing 

But because they are devils friend and simply wicked 


Just a little bit more 

Of dreams and fantasies to see 

Sowing our very best of kindness and good deeds 

To reap on earth and in the other world the harvest of goodness deep 


Just a little bit more 

Of knowledge to seek 

Knowing this from that 

And then passing on to generations after us 


Just a little bit more 

Of jealousy, racour and rage 

For it does no harm to others who we hate 

It simply gobbles up its ownself and our own mates 


Just a little bit more 

Of rainbows and turmoils to see 

Then peace shall be our forever company 

Living afterlife in eternal love and eternal tranquillity 




◄ Love

Breakthrough ►


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Sat 25th Jun 2022 13:40

Good night Nigel. Sleep tight. Just a little bit more sleep you need.😴

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Nigel Astell

Sat 25th Jun 2022 01:42

Just a little bit more
heartfelt heaven sent Moonlight poetry
before I go to sleep 😌

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