My favourite songs
Lovely rain when it falls over parched earth
Splashing the tiny droplets over the mud
And the pitter patter over the tinned roof
Creating a romantic scene all through
The droplets falling over the leaves
Giving an instant glow and freshness to these
The thunder and lightning as it spreads across the sky
Splitting the clouds into halves and make a loud cry
Brightening up everything in only a fraction of second
Leaving behind darkness inconceivable in day or midnight
Dancing through the clouds above,
roaring like a hidden lion in the sky
The gusts of wind on stormy days
Picking lots of dust and papers on its way
All encircling as the wind groves
A thunderous performance on the move
The noise so loud and clear,
as the wind discloses it's secrets clear
Amidst the tress in dense forest property
Making its way downhill through the greener still
Lovely voices can be heard, suddenly growing loud
The streams blue and green washing away everything
Plugging into a natural pool built by its mighty forces
The waterfalls a marvel to see and watching it's beauty
The twittering birds in the early cool and gentle mornings
Different music all blending into one with crystal clear voices
The soprano, alto, tenor and bass as a musical performance we hear
An orchestra playing each and every morning
Waking us up with lovely romantic songs in their words
Holding hearts, gripping minds, twisting our souls completely divine
Nigel Astell
Sat 2nd Jul 2022 01:21
Your poem sings so loud
in Nature we all fall in love❤