The Poet
The Poet
Poets are those who speak their minds
Astute they find those willing to hear
Poets search their souls and investigate
They transmit their findings into a message
One which caresses the ready ear
Words which strike cords in the heart
They require conviction and integrity
Fearlessly to expose wrong doing
To champion causes thought to be lost
Poets are observers whose eyes and ears are primed
The celebrate natural beauty in glowing terms
Along with pain and suffering they do sympathise
Students of history yet recipients of the present
They use their conscience for the unconscious
Wordsmiths with the skill to describe
The voice of the voiceless
A strident call to challenge aloud
The poet has deep rooted compassion
He knows the fallen and gives hope to the weak
The poet sits deep in thought
Through periods of aridity and inspiration
Humour is always close at hand with irony
The voice of light in darkened times
Poets have suffered, many were slain
This leaves only their words to claim
The poet is gifted and called to be
The champion of beauty and the free
keith jeffries
Wed 28th Dec 2022 13:06
Thank you to all who liked and commented on this poem. I appreciate the time you gave to reading and remarking on it.
Thank you again