2023: Trev returns to Texas for National Poetry Month incorporating NaPoWriMo: Part 5 Lamesa
Image: Forest Park where many past event of teh Forest Fest took place, it holds some happy memories
12.04.23 – 104:56) Things went right I got my washing done last night
A comfy bed almost slept like the dead
Day began dawning I looked out to a sunny morning
Shorts the order of the day but before I’m away
I been lookin’ round, no iron to be found
Got some tee shirts that need pressin’ not to depressin’
They’ll do for a day or two
Can do ‘em all if they got one at my next port of call
105:57) I’m drivin’ round letting memories abound
Of how things used to be when we
Headed West for the Lamesa Forest Fest
Poets an’ singers converge to see what’s goin’ down
In that friendly West Texas town
Eventually like as such for Connie it got too much
But many yearn for it to return, hopin’ not in vain
Forest Fest will one day be on the Texas Poetry Calendar again
106:58) Dusty found the iron but it was too late
My clothes aren’t in that bad a state
After sweatin’ in the hot Texas sun,
They may well look like they ain’t been done
An nit’s only one day afore I maybe able to borrow
An iron at my next accommodation tomorrow