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No Peace

Stop searching for peace where peace does not exist

From people who expect, take, and insist

In the arms of those stealing your yes’s

With all these yes’s your life is full of messes

You give and give, and what do you take?

Is there anything left on the dinner plate?

There’s nothing left to give you gave yourself away

“You’re so kind and generous” That’s what you want them to say

They’re thieves in the night looking for scraps

But you gave them more, your life's a wrap

You destroyed your home building theirs

When will you realize they don’t care?

You resent them when they don’t reciprocate

When you carry the group and the heavyweight

What do you have left at the end of the day?

No Thank You cards, no appreciation, you got played

What scares you so much?

Does your little brain have a hunch?

That they won’t like what they see?

That they won’t approve of who you might be?

Stop hiding in the bushes and be who you are

Who cares what they think, don’t lower the bar

Say yes to yourself and forget the rest

Stop playing this game, you’re failing the test


◄ Protecting my Peace

Talking walls ►


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Tue 20th Jun 2023 02:43

That’s totally okay. Thank you for liking my poem 😁

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M.C. Newberry

Sat 17th Jun 2023 17:24

Moral: Good intentions are fine. Just keep them available
for appropriate use rather than squandering them through what
is becoming known as "virtue-signalling". That can be mis-interpreted as seeking easy popularity without actually having
to do anything.

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winds solar

Fri 16th Jun 2023 21:33

I like your poem so much JJ ( don't want address you as Jaded if that's ok?

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