This was inspired by the latest WOL poem "Night Sight" from Stephen Gospage.
The sniper is like a hidden viper
A striking snake in the grass,
The bite of its disguised fang
Like the Reaper's scythe can pass
Leaving sudden death in its wake,
Amid nerve-wracking fright
About who might be next
In its beady-eyed sight.
NB - During my working life I included the use of a sniper's rifle course in my firearms training. It was
a fascinating, strangely satisfying experience to go through the procedures and practice required to
obtain the necessary proficiency, whilst aware all the time of the ultimate object in sight - literally!
M.C. Newberry
Sun 25th Jun 2023 17:10
Keith and Kevin - thanks for the comments; It's a sniper's job to be accurate! Thanks also for
the "likes" for these lines.
It's an unsettling feeling lying prone with the distant target in
the crosswires of the rifle sight, pulling the trigger and seeing
the hole signalled in the man-sized head and shoulders. There
is an uneasy thought that one is playing "God" with another's
life, removed from guilt by distance! Hard to explain but I can
put it no better than that.