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Rhyming Rant!

There's a certain snobbery to rhyming 

I think it's all about timing 

This modern lot say it's not their scene

It diminishes the artistic dream

No competitions are won by rhyme!

You've got to toe the trending line!

Wordsworth & Co would now be snubbed

His daffodils, critically, left unloved.

O Captain! My Captain! 

O give it a rest!

Drop the rhyming! It's for the best!

But, I just can't do it

I plough on through it!

Rhyming like a madman:

A competition sad man

Tut, tut, tut, tut

Aw, kiss my butt!

It's my party & I'll rhyme if I want to!

Rhyme if I want to

Rhyme if I want to…

OK, I'll stop 

But, that's not my lot! 

Isn't poetry just feelings in ink?

To not be chained to the kitchen sink

Not clogging the hole with iambic pentameter 

And other constraints I don't understand… either

Just write the damn thing!

Let your beating heart sing!

Let the words ebb & flow!

Set them free! Let them go!

If they rhyme, then that's fine!

They don't have to all the time!

To not rhyme is good too!

Honest, I won't be a snob to you! 

So, when you shut your weary peepers

Do not fear the rhyming reapers!

Turn them into wonderful tales

Of fantastic warthogs or bloated whales!

Just get it down onto the page

For fun or in poetic rage!

Find the dwelling place of words

And let them roam in wordy herds!

So, come on all you verselet folk

Show them rhyming ain't no joke!

To all those who find it quite atrocious 


It's Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious! 👊💥



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Stephen Atkinson

Sun 25th Jun 2023 12:12

Thank you Uilleam 😆 Greg, I've never did an open mic event. I'm more WOS than WOL (write out silently)Lol. And yes choosing the right words is the hardest part, whether they rhyme or not!
Keith, thank you for your continued & wonderful encouragement 🌈 M.C. correct! Thanks Stephen 😆 & K.J. I'm the same. I've wrote a few & not sure if it's poetry ar all!
And thanks for all the likes! 🌷🌷

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kJ Walker

Sat 24th Jun 2023 20:09

I for one struggle to write poetry which doesn't rhyme.
In my own work, if the rhyme isn't there I don't know if it's a poem or not.
However when I read a poem written by others, which doesn't rhyme I can recognise it for what it is.

I enjoyed this one.
Cheers Kevin

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Stephen Gospage

Sat 24th Jun 2023 17:35

Keep up the rhyming, Stephen. It's the best kind of poetry. Betjeman, Larkin and the likes of Alexander Pope did quite well on. Go, rhyme, go!

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M.C. Newberry

Sat 24th Jun 2023 13:25

There's room for verse and prose poems. The important bit is
that they must be worth reading and, perhaps more relevant,
worth recalling/reciting! 👍

Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Sat 24th Jun 2023 09:28

On reading this again, the phrase
"neither rhyme nor reason"
has just ocurred to me.
Apparently it appears in Shakespeare several times.
Do we need a reason to rhyme?
No-just do it.

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keith jeffries

Fri 23rd Jun 2023 09:31

Stephen, this fabulous poem should be renamed "In Defence of Verse". One of your very best and one which will make fellow poets think about verse and its modern replacement. Verse will remain a dominant feature in poetry despite various trends. I often wonder where we draw the line between no verse and prose. I tend to use both but retain a strong preference for the use of verse. Your poetry is of the highest standard and many on WOL will take heed to these words.
Thank you indeed for this,

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Greg Freeman

Fri 23rd Jun 2023 08:49

This is great, Stephen, and would go down great guns at any open-mic, if you haven't delivered it already somewhere. There's nothing wrong with rhyme! But you're right, there is a lot of poetic snobbery around, in certain quarters. And while some people can only write poems that rhyme - and lots of people out there who aren't that interested in 'poetry' only recognise 'poems' that rhyme - others cannot write rhyming poems to save their lives. I'm one of them. There's no right or wrong. Poetry appreciation is subjective. As far as I'm concerned, rhyme or non-rhyme, the trick is choosing the 'right' words. Ah, but which ones are they? There's the rub ...

Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Fri 23rd Jun 2023 07:54

Brilliant Stephen.
I think as animals, we are hard-wired to perceive patterns in some form or another-as part of our survival mechanism?

So dhown whith phoetry shnobbery!
A rhant whith rhyme ‘n rhythm in thyme
saves nhyne fhurther on dhown the lhine!

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