On a long journey north by train
two young guys in T-shirts and jeans
pored over a plastic boxed set of miniature chess
bought on Ebay for pleasure not gain,
red and white pieces with fiddly pegs in holes,
a small tray incorporated in the base
with conquered plastic spoil lodged there.
Two phones lay ignored
coffees in polystyrene cups growing cold
as the outside flashed by like an unanswered prayer.
One chewed his nails the other squirmed
while more than a hundred miles came and went
no words spoken. The sun began to give up
over Chesterfield, passengers asleep or seeming intent
while the two boys remained undisturbed
oblivious to all points north.
No one knows if the game was ended
but they left and went on their way,
leaving two cups that were placed with a cold dribble, into a black sack
yet more plastic spoil
never used as evidence or proof of either looking back.
Sun 9th Jul 2023 19:41
Can you imagine watching chess? a bit like school exams I suppose presumably in silence. Thanks for the comment John.