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The Disadvantaged

The Disadvantaged


The elite and wealthy can higher education afford,

as they approach, well dressed, their university to board.

This perpetuates the influence of the few,

when in reality there exists another human queue.

Those who cannot afford such astronomic fees,

are left in the shadows, broken and on their knees.

Thousands of miles away and close to home young men and women labour,

with little to sustain or give them any of life's flavour.

They work for a pittance under wealthy employers and plantation owners,

making mud bricks and digging ditches they bend their shoulders.

These men and women have an intellect too,

but possess not the opportunity or wealth and have to make do.

Equality of opportunity is a lie as the majority are repressed,

each forms a potential amongst the great oppressed. 

Until all, irrespective of wealth, can exercise their inalienable right,

we might as well kiss the world's future goodnight.


◄ The Invisible

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keith jeffries

Sat 21st Oct 2023 11:57

Your constructive criticism is most welcome. Equality is a word banded about but seldom closely studied. I particularly liked your expression 'the unforgiving pressures of nature'. Such considerations affect a nation's growth and development but more so are those states where, following premature independence, there are presidents for life or dictators. Gabon is one recent example. A democratic nation such as ours, a member of the G7 should be able to fund health, education and welfare. I say this when I see irresponsible government expenditure on all manner of nonsense.
Thank you again for you comment.

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M.C. Newberry

Fri 20th Oct 2023 17:29

One could be trite and remark "It was ever thus". But that is
ignoring history and the reality of the human condition in its
various forms across the globe in the story of mankind. Can
one equate (that mischievous word "equality" pops up again)
life and its opportunities here in the UK, for example, with
lands elsewhere? Humanity. wherever it exists, has its own
struggle to survive and prosper, from both within its ranks and
from the endless unforgiving pressures that Nature imposes
on all living creatures. We can only so what we can within our
own capabilities and good intentions. Both can be painfully

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keith jeffries

Thu 19th Oct 2023 11:29

Thank you to all those who liked and commented on this poem. I feel passionately about the subject. A wealthy civilised society should be able to fund all education, health and welfare. Otherwise we are failing all the people. There is no excuse.
Thank you again,

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Stephen Gospage

Thu 19th Oct 2023 08:33

Good poem, Keith. Inequality of opportunity is certainly a major problem. Apart from all the other issues of funding etc., it is so easy for kids from disadvantaged backgrounds to get sucked into an anti-learning culture in their peer group.

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Thu 19th Oct 2023 07:04

Yes, thank you Keith for a superb poem.

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Manish Singh Rajput

Thu 19th Oct 2023 05:34

This is a masterpiece, Keith! I love the concept and flow of it. Evocative and powerful. I particularly liked the last few lines-
"Equality of opportunity is a lie as the majority are repressed,
each forms a potential amongst the great oppressed.
Until all, irrespective of wealth, can exercise their inalienable right,
we might as well kiss the world's future goodnight."
It's a great poem that acts as a voice of those capable"disadvantaged" people, like mentioned in the poem, who are just declared as illiterates because they do not have the wealth to get into a university, or get a recognised degree. I believe that this poem should reach across all parts of the world for a probable, positive change.
Thank you.

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