A Commandment
A Commandment
In these times of conflict
people are killed by the day.
Bullets and explosions
claim the lives of many.
Revenge is high on the agenda
for the reason to kill.
Mercy takes a back seat
as terror reigns.
I was once a soldier
many years ago.
I am now mature in years
and am a pacifist.
One of the ten commandments
"Thou shalt not kill".
Is there any part of this
that people do not understand?
The words and the message
are simple.
These words of scripture
resonate in my soul.
keith jeffries
Wed 1st Nov 2023 19:41
Thank you to all who read this poem and expresseed a like or wrote a comment. Peace has certain pre requisites. First justice, then peace negotiations and these should then be followed with reconciliation. Sadly nations rush headlong into war and see victory as their only goal. They do not think beyond this and all that is achieved is grief, resentment, destruction and the desire for revenge.