Practice what's preached
They were good friends
In tears and laughter
Through thick and thin
She was always besides them
They were always with her
A gang of girls like-minded
There world was a happy place
Through God's words they connected
And had a good time spreading happiness
Few years back a storm hit their relationship
Breaking everything into misunderstandings
Hatred sprouted out of every thought
Money became central to their everything
She glanced as all the friends left one by one
The storm that hit was manly vindictive
He knew what he was thinking and doing
Drifting friends into feuds of envy and malice
O would you place back the ruined relationship
It was planned and intentionally done
To cut off ties permanently and throw them in the bin
Hatred and anger pumped in from every corner
Will you please undo all the revengeful hatred
Can these gang of girls be reunited
Can the storm reverse all the ills spewed
Will she ever have her friends back in her life
So she can do the same to other's that you advise
Learning by seeing and actions speaking
How else will she put two and two together
Unless she sees it happening with her
Fri 27th Oct 2023 05:14
Good bonds are definitely a blessing from God Almighty. Thanks Nigel🌷