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(It's always sad when an icon of stage and screen departs us prematurely.  My homage to one of the Greats)


Sticky Vicky, I watched you perform

Sticky Vicky, in Benidorm

Sticky Vicky, you showed till you were 72

The hidden contents of your flue.


Sticky Vicky, I’ll forget-you-not

Sticky Vicky, with your X-rated slot

Sticky Vicky, it’s all so clear I still recall

What you did with ping pong balls.


Sticky Vicky offered views no finer

Than the innards of her vagina

But you’d need a miner’s helmet lamp

Sticky Vicky had no match

Shooting balls from her hairy snatch

We’d try like hell to try to catch them when they’re damp.


You know I miss you, I cannot hide

Such views you gave us when open wide


Sticky Vicky, I’m afraid she’s dead

Sticky Vicky, with her legs well spread

Sticky Vicky, she gave us all a front row view

Of her 80 year old flue.


Sticky Vicky, so now you’re gone

Sticky Vicky, yes you’ve moved on

Sticky Vicky to a better place

Sticky Vicky now I find

I cannot seem to bring to mind

Sticky Vicky if I ever saw your face.


Sticky Vicky, your tits and bum

Sticky Vicky, still give me hours of fun

Sticky Vicky, for years and years you would perform

You were the Queen of Benidorm.





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John Coopey

Sun 3rd Dec 2023 18:56

Stephen - I think the power source came from her because she was ecSTATIC.
MC - I’m sure Chaucer would be flattered to be mentioned in the same sentence as me.

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M.C. Newberry

Sun 3rd Dec 2023 15:48

I confess it wasn't until I saw an item on BBC News online that I knew who she was. For me, these ribald lines find resonance
in the tradition of a certain G. Chaucer.

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Stephen Atkinson

Sun 3rd Dec 2023 14:40

Yes, john, I think I'm still scarred by bearing witness to what came out of her unmentionable. And how did the light bulb light up? Not sure where she was plugged in! I hear her daughter has carried on the family business... Good job she didn't have a son... 😆

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John Coopey

Sat 2nd Dec 2023 22:51

Thanks, Pete. I’ve only been to Benidorm once. James Cleverly had a Word for it.

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Pete (edbreathe)

Sat 2nd Dec 2023 21:33

Well I’ve never been to Benidorm , and had to google Sticky Vicky
I’ve obviously missed out !

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