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Canvas of fear

Your fear is real,
You aren't daydreaming,
It's a reality you breathe,
Ever since you know life,
All you understand is fear.

It'll keep coming back to you,
Haunting you day and night,
In every new face you meet,
Every hello of a stranger you hear,
Nothing but fear will generate.

With the one you love intensely,
Your trust is coloured with colours of fear,
No matter how much you try,
You can't delete it permanently,
It's a part of the canvas made by your family.

You always seem to be happy,
Till none know your reality,
The familiarity relationship breeds,
More fear it instills in your very being,
Giving you sleeplessness eternally.

Even if fear goes,
It's only momentarily,
Those near have stories for you,
That kicks back the fearful intensity,
Keeping you as a captive, never liberating.

Don't try to rid yourself of fear,
It's ingrained within your very system,
The more you try scratching it off,
The more wounds you will inflict within,
Now all you can do is, happily live with it.


◄ Wise fools

Colours of life ►


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Mon 11th Dec 2023 14:16

Exactly Nigel 🌷

Thank you U.O.C. I'm glad you got the point.🙌

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Nigel Astell

Mon 11th Dec 2023 02:44

Fear only
that you
don't feel
it's presence.

Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Sun 10th Dec 2023 19:37

Thanks for the explanation-good point!

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Sun 10th Dec 2023 11:46

To U. O. C
There is a clear distinction between caution and fear. Caution is a state of being vigilant and proactive, driven by optimism, to protect ourselves and our loved ones from potential harm, whether it is from known or hidden adversaries who may be plotting against us.

On the other hand, fear can be either genuine or unfounded. Unfounded fear often stems from internal vulnerabilities, such as when someone we trust betrays us, or it may arise from hypothetical scenarios that may or may not occur.

In comparison, caution is always preferable to fear as it allows us to safeguard our interests and avoid falling into unforeseen traps set by potential enemies.

Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Sun 10th Dec 2023 11:38

Thanks Moonlight.
May I suggest -and that appears to be part of what you're saying- is that the best we can do with fear is to recognise it, (for that's what ultimately ensures our survival), but to not let it rule us, otherwise we never learn from our mistakes?

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