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Hokey Okay

Hokey Okay - Experiences with the mental health teams 

The police bring you in, next thing you’re out,

In out in out, fucks your head about,

They do the okay okay and turn you around,

Claiming that your mindsets sound!


Woahhh you’re okay okay,

Noooo, ill chokey chokey,

Woahhh, you’re okay okay

Head hurts, alarms sound ah ah ah


Then you’re back in again, out you go,

In out in out, treat you like a yo yo

They do the okay okay, say it’s all in your head,

Still don’t listen and you don’t need a bed!


Woahhh you’re okay okay,

Noooo, I’ll Oday Oday,

Woahhh, you’re okay okay,

Arms bleed, brains deed ah ah ah


Another attempt, back on the ward,

In out in out, can they not afford?

They do the okay okay and they send you away,

Missed their chance, you won’t live to see another day!


Woahhh you’re okay okay,

Noooo, I’m on the roadway,

Woahhh, you’re okay okay,

Fuck this, I’m out, ah ah ah


What’s the point now, there’s no hope left,

In out in out, wish you all the best,

They did the okay okay and what have they found?

You’re in a box 6 feet under the ground...


mental healthPsychiatric HospitalsCMHTcrisissuicidesuicidal thoughtssuicide attemptdepression helpless hopeless self-destructionNHSmental health servicespolicesectionedadmissions


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M.C. Newberry

Thu 21st Dec 2023 13:47

During my many years as custody officer in very busy West
End police stations here in London, I met my share of those
with varying degrees of mental problems. One encounter that
I especially recall was with a man waiting for an escort back
to a well known (as was) mental hospital on the outskirts
of the metropolis. Our conversation was, to say the least,
interesting; often convoluted - and bird-like in its speedy unexpected shifts, but I managed to adapt and keep up as we
chatted. My most rewarding moment came when the escort
duly arrived and their client stood up and paid me the unexpected compliment of how much he had enjoyed our
conversation. not least since it with someone from my particular profession. It was no surprise to read years later
that police officers had acquired a reputation for dealing
very competently with the mentally challenged. It came
with the job 24/7 and we had acquired under-appreciated talents in various directions!

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