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Hokey Okay

Hokey Okay - Experiences with the mental health teams 

The police bring you in, next thing you’re out,

In out in out, fucks your head about,

They do the okay okay and turn you around,

Claiming that your mindsets sound!


Woahhh you’re okay okay,

Noooo, ill chokey chokey,

Woahhh, you’re okay okay

Head hurts, alarms sound ah ah ah


Then you’re back in again, out ...

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mental healthPsychiatric HospitalsCMHTcrisissuicidesuicidal thoughtssuicide attemptdepression helpless hopeless self-destructionNHSmental health servicespolicesectionedadmissions




My name is juvenile delinquent

I’m losing my mind now,

it happens again and I can’t do anything about it.

Anxiety, anger, confusion, depression and loneliness

fight to get a foothold in my beleaguered mind.

Just about to go mad, insanity beckons,

don’t let my neurosis lead to psychosis.

I don’t want to be a Section 20, locked up forever

with only bars as my com...

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young peoplecriminal intentbad waysjailwrong pathsectionedmental illness

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