Social Media
Social Media
My father used to read a national daily paper,
he believed in most of what was written.
In those days there were few other media outlets,
apart from the wireless and until the TV arrived.
The official media is a bag of bones,
which I long to cover in flesh.
I am not content to accept or believe what it spouts,
I search for the truth wherever that might be,
Often on the sidelines recently created,
here I can delve and satisfy my quest.
The truth is always evasive and at best distorted,
seldom clear nor concise in its delivery.
Sometime a letter, a poem or a conversation,
can reveal more of the reality of what is on offer.
Other voices with a different perspective are avaliable,
they can be lights in a fog of darkness.
Social media requires careful calculated selection,
it requires discernment and comparison.
I seldom avail myself of mainstream media,
to avoid the footprint of the state.
Social media can so easily be the tool of propaganda,
it is for us to use our intellect.
This is the age when what was once hidden,
is now revealed.
M.C. Newberry
Sat 30th Dec 2023 08:09
In my old public servant role, I lived for a while in supplied
single quarters and there was a daily delivery of the major newspapers to the premises. There was ample opportunity to
get a good cross-section of opinion from them that served us
well in retaining the essential impartiality of our work. It is
probably true that the quality of what was included was variable
according to a political point of view but having that range of
news input served to help sort the wheat from the chaff, added
to which there was no "social media" fuelling the fires of
alarm and despondency so often evident nowadays.