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Life worth living

Isabella sat in the peaceful embrace of solitude. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, relishing in the quiet calmness that surrounded her. For the first time in a long while, she was able to let go of all her worries and just be in the moment.

She knew that she needed this time to herself to realign her thoughts and priorities. After years of struggling and fighting to find her place in the world, Isabella had finally come to a realization – she didn't need anyone's advice or guidance. She had learned to trust her own instincts and make decisions based on what she knew was right for herself.

Life had taught her valuable lessons, ones that she would never forget. It had been a journey filled with ups and downs, but each experience had shaped her into the person she was today. Isabella had learned to embrace her past, for it had led her to where she was now.

As she sat there in solitude, she couldn't help but be grateful for the path she had taken. It had not been easy, but it had made her stronger and wiser. She had become a firm believer in the fact that experiences mold a person's past, but they also guide them towards their future.

The compass of lessons she had learned were enough to guide her in the right direction. She was no longer afraid to take risks and explore new opportunities. Isabella had finally started to enjoy life on her own terms and conditions.

Deeply rooted in her being were the social norms and religious obligations that had been ingrained in her since childhood. But along with these values, she had also developed a strong sense of reasoning and logic, which backed her decisions.

With courage and determination, she was navigating through life's twists and turns, fearlessly and with enthusiasm. And although she had no regrets about her past, Isabella held onto the hope that God would bless her with a beautiful future.

She had a warm heart and a kind soul, and she knew that whatever may come her way, she would face it with love and grace. Isabella was ready for the adventures that life had in store for her.

Gone were the days of her naivety and vulnerability. Over time, she had learned to embrace her vulnerabilities and make them a part of her courageous attitude. They had found a home within her, and she was no longer afraid to show her true self to the world.

As she looked towards the future, Isabella had a newfound sense of excitement. She was moving ahead in life, ignoring anything that was irrelevant and obsolete. Her journey was filled with happiness, peace, love, hope, and excitement.

Isabella had finally found a life worth living – one that she had always dreamed of. And as she sat in the solitude, she couldn't help but smile, knowing that her journey had just begun.


◄ Bridging the gap

Unwavering determination ►


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Fri 12th Jan 2024 09:05

Thanks Nigel. Your comments are motivating. 💕

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Nigel Astell

Thu 11th Jan 2024 22:20

all her dreams
have come true

Moonlight footsteps
into peace
into love
into hope
into God

All forever standing strong
spirit can only grow
into something so special
clear mind
warm heart
kind soul
sets forth
to send
her onward
never stopping
only going
one way.❤❤❤

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